Ben Franklin Twice!

There are TWO television events featuring Ben Franklin!

One is the Ken Burns documentary called Benjamin Franklin. Burns always does an excellent job with his documentaries. This one airs on PBS Passport and is also available on Amazon Prime, VUDU, and Apple TV.

The other is a new mini series called Franklin, starring Michael Douglas as Ben Franklin. This series premieres on April 12, 2024 and appears to be exclusively on Apple TV, but may be available elsewhere later.

Ben Franklin is one of America’s founding fathers.

Boston Tea Party 250 Anniversary

The Boston Tea Party took place on December 16, 1773. This December of 2023 is the 250th Anniversary of that momentous occasion.

American colonists were frustrated with Britain for their policy of “no taxation without representation” and dumped 342 chests of tea in Boston harbor from Griffin’s Wharf.

The Stamp Act was passed in 1765, taxing colonists on printed paper items including newspapers, playing cards and legal documents including wills. The colonists knew this was a bad idea and tried to explain such to Britain, who ignored the colonies. The people in the colonies suggested that we should have a delegate in Parliament, so that if they suggested such a terrible idea in the future, we could explain it to them. After all, they were on the other side of the Atlantic and had no idea how life was lived in the colonies, and perhaps just needed an education.

The Crown and Parliament refused, and the colonists suggested no taxes would be paid. This angered the British, who said taxes must be paid as the colonists were British citizens and subjects of the Crown. The colonists then asked for a delegate, or representative, in Parliament. The Crown and Parliament also refused, saying no representative would be allowed as the colonists were not citizens as they lived in colonies and not England proper.

The colonists argued the British government can’t have it both ways, and the term “no taxation without representation” began, with a hard lesson taught to Parliament with the Boston Tea Party. These and other events led to the War of Independence.

SAR President General John Dodd proclaims the Boston Tea Party 250th Anniversary on December 16, 2023 should be a time to “destroy tea” in celebration in whatever manner one wishes, by imbibing, sharing or tossing of tea with general merrymaking.

See for more information about the Boston Tea Party. Or do your own web search for additional info.

Discover Colonial Ancestors

Family Tree Magazine has a cover story on their May/June 2023 issue about Colonial Ancestors, with 11 Key Records for Early US Research, 1620-1776. The article has some good tips to get started, or more details for diving deeper. If you have a Patriot Ancestor, you may want to search some record hints for your proof, or you may want to dig deeper to find more about their ancestors.

Their website has some articles and hints about Early American Genealogy as well.

Dues are Due

If you are a current member of Sons of Liberty Chapter, it is time to pay your annual dues. On this website, please click on Members > Member Dues and complete the PayPal form. We ask that you make payment before December 15, otherwise the process to be reinstated will be longer. Pay those dues now, and you will remain current for Chapter, State and National levels all at once! And consider donating a little extra to help with our chapter finances!

Battle of Cowpens

Battle of Cowpens, (January 17, 1781), in the American Revolution, brilliant American victory over a British force on the northern border of South Carolina that slowed Lord Cornwallis’s campaign to invade North Carolina. British casualties were estimated at about 600, whereas the Americans lost only 72.

Read more from the Britannica website.

Battle of Princeton

The American victory at the Battle of Princeton (January 3, 1777) was one of the most consequential of the American Revolution. George Washington and his soldiers marched north from Trenton and attacked a British force south of the town. Washington’s victory bolstered American morale and provided great confidence to his soldiers.

Read more at the Mount Vernon website.