Request for Speakers!

Are you a genealogist, historian, sociologist, scholar, military expert, archivist, librarian or records specialist? Can you give a one hour talk/presentation about Colonial America, the Revolutionary War, or early America? If yes, we’d love to hear from you!

We are actively seeking presenters to speak at our SAR Chapter meetings in Los Feliz!

We prefer a talk that includes a visual presentation (PowerPoint or video), handouts are optional. If you have a book, video or other marketable item, let us know.

We prefer someone who can present live in Southern California, but Zoom only presentations will also be considered.

We offer a stipend, free lunch, and other perks and benefits. Get in touch with us using the form below, we’d love to hear from you. We’re currently booking speakers for future meetings of the Sons of Liberty Chapter of SAR.

If you have something to offer, contact us!