Below is a list of Officers and their Duties, according to our Chapter Bylaws. Note that some offices have requirements that must be met.
The President shall preside at all meetings of this Chapter and of the Board of Directors and have a casting vote. He shall exercise the usual functions of a presiding Officer, and shall enforce strict observance of the Society’s Articles of Incorporation, NSSAR, CASSAR and Chapter Bylaws. He shall appoint all Committees not otherwise provided for. In the absence of the President at any meeting or his incapacity to continue in service for any reason, his duties shall be assumed by other Officers in the following order: First Vice President, Second Vice President, and the other elected Officers in the order listed in Section 1 above.
First Vice President:
The First Vice President shall assist the President in the operations of the Chapter and perform such duties as assigned him by the President.
Second Vice President:
The Second Vice President shall serve as Program Chairman and perform such other duties as assigned him by the President.
The Secretary shall conduct the general correspondence of the Chapter and such other matters as may be directed by the Board of Directors or the President. He shall have charge of the Bylaws and records of the Chapter and, together with the presiding Officers, shall certify all acts of the Chapter. He shall keep fair and accurate records of all memberships, proceedings and orders of the Society Chapter, and shall give notice to the several Officers of all votes, orders, resolves and proceedings of the Chapter affecting them or appertaining to their respective duties. He shall notify all members of their election, and shall, under direction of the President, give due notice of the time, place and agenda of all meetings of the Chapter or Board of Directors and shall attend same. He shall send or mail or email a copy of the minutes of the Board of Directors to each of its members when directed so to do to do so by the Board of Directors.
The Treasurer shall collect and keep the general operation funds of the Chapter. They shall be deposited in a banking institution approved by the Board of Directors and shall be placed in the credit of the Sons of Liberty Chapter, SAR. The Treasurer shall expend funds of the Chapter only as directed by the Board of Directors through adoption of a budget or by specific direction for a particular item. Funds shall be expended by checks signed by any two (2) Officers so authorized. He shall keep a true account of his receipts and disbursements and at each meeting render the same to the Chapter. He shall also make such other reports as may be requested by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall also administer and manage any special funds other than the Chapter’s Permanent Fund in accordance with Bylaw Number 9.
The Registrar shall examine and prepare all Applications for Membership in this Society and for those found eligible he shall report to the Board of Directors or an agent it may designate. If further documentation is required, he may refer the application to the Chapter Genealogist.
If the research is extensive, the Registrar shall be allowed to negotiate appropriate fees, without cost to the Chapter. Supplemental Applications shall be handled in a similar manner.
The Historian shall obtain and preserve materials relating to the history of the Chapter, including but not limited to, medals and awards presented, news clippings, records of historical and commemorative meetings, minutes of meetings, names of Officers , biographical and genealogical materials and obituaries. He shall, from time to time, forward appropriate materials to the Editor of The California Compatriot, The SAR Magazine or the NSSAR Historian General. He shall supervise the preparation and printing of any Chapter historical publications, other than those of membership rolls, which may be authorized by the Board of Directors.
The Genealogist shall assist the Registrar and the Board of Directors and any member of the Chapter who may appeal to him for help in preparing application papers for membership. If the research is extensive, the Registrar shall be allowed to negotiate appropriate fees, without cost to the Chapter. He shall examine all appeals from decisions or lack of action by the Registrar. He shall report to the Board of Directors on all matters that come before him.
The Chancellor shall be an Attorney-at-Law or Paralegal and it shall be his duty to give opinions on all legal matters affecting the Chapter when such questions are referred to him by proper Officers or by the Board of Directors. He shall act as Parliamentarian at meetings of the Chapter and the Board of Directors. Should he not so serve, the President may appoint a substitute to act as Parliamentarian.
The Chaplain shall open and close meetings of the Chapter and Board of Directors with religious services usual and proper on such occasions, when so directed by the President or the Chairman of the meeting.
Color Guard Commander:
The Color Guard Commander shall be responsible for coordinating all Color Guard and Reenactment activities. He shall also be responsible for arranging for the storage of all Color Guard and reenactment equipment. He may appoint a “Quartermaster Sergeant” to assist in the equipment duties. He may also appoint a Color Guard Vice Commander. The Color Guard Commander, or in his absence his appointed substitute, shall be responsible for enforcing all safety rules and regulations.